
Welcome to St. Mary's
St. Mary's is at the heart of our community, with the flourishing of our community at its heart.
It is my absolute pleasure to welcome you to St. Mary’s, Prittlewell, C of E Primary School.
St. Mary’s is such a special place and I am so proud to be the Headteacher. I am really lucky that I get to spend every day working in such a vibrant, diverse, inclusive and respectful school community. Our Christian ethos is valued by our staff, parents and children and we are proud of our close links with St. Mary’s Church.
Our school has four Core Values: Ambition, Belonging, Courage and Discovery – our St. Mary’s ABCD! These values shape and inspire everything that we do, enabling the children in our care to be happy, safe and motivated with a love of learning that will extend beyond the seven years they are with us. It is really important to us that the children have many treasured memories of their time at St. Mary’s and that they feel valued and accepted for who they are.
We open doors for our children through a wide range of experiences. We want them to remember the magical and inspirational moments with the hope that they help to shape their future aspirations.
Every child and every adult having the opportunity to flourish is at the heart of our school. We want everyone to develop their potential to the full. Our staff are skilled and passionate about what they do; our governors are engaged and committed to driving our school forward; our parents are supportive and appreciate the positive relationships we build with them; our children are confident, enthusiastic and they love our school.
Our dedicated team are determined to ensure that our school should provide the best possible educational outcomes and experiences for our children. We believe that they deserve the absolute best. We will continue to work together - our staff, our governors, and our parents - to help create a school where everyone feels that they can flourish. Where they feel that they belong.
At St. Mary's, we want all of our children to feel a sense of pride and achievement whether that is for achieving their personal best, for working really hard, for persevering, showing kindness and consideration or for making courageous decisions.
We welcome visits to our school at any time so that you can see our school vision in action - our children flourishing physically, academically, socially, morally and spiritually.
With the very best wishes,
Mrs Lewis